Building conversion
Caserne Bois de Boulogne
12131 Avenue Bois de boulogne, Montréal
The fire station is a transformation project that is very close to our hearts. Three (3) generations of Di Lillo’s have lived in this neighborhood where the fire station was and still is at the center of this community’s history, and this, since 1913. Throughout the last century, this building was successively a police station, a fire station, a library, a community center and soon a luxury condo building.
As with any project to transform a heritage building, there are many challenges to overcome. In order to respect the architectural structure as well as the heritage aspect of the fire station, our team of experts was able to deal with the particularities imposed by the building and the site. The construction of suspended mezzanines as well as underpinning work for interior parking are some of these particularities. The preservation of exterior and interior brick walls, and the conversion of garage doors formerly used by the fire station into oversized windows also helped preserve the building’s architecture.
Finally, the old fire station will have been given a facelift with the built-in of 14 lofts, an elevator, an indoor parking lot and a signature entrance, all while maintaining its former beauty. This magnificent residential building of approximately 20,570 ft2 will surely be the pride of the neighborhood.

Phase 1

Phase 2

The project to transform the Caserne Bois de Boulogne has made significant progress over the years. Gypsum plastering of the interior is now complete, as is all mechanical work on the floors. Currently on site, the installation of joints is underway, as is finishing work on the electrical room. We can already see the final result, with the high ceilings that are characteristic of the Barracks’ architectural structure.
The next stage in this transformation of a heritage building will be the installation of mouldings and doors, painting, and the installation of kitchens and bathrooms. With each step forward, the Caserne Bois de Boulogne is further transformed into a modern residential space while preserving its historic heritage, offering continuity between past and present.